Friday 26 April 2013

Lambs out in the field

The farmer just brought his ewes back to the field with their new lambs after a whole winter at the barn. This is a new experience for the lambs who never experienced the outdoors.

Friday 19 April 2013

Do animals lie?

Have you ever wondered if animals lied to each other? I have recently...and I will explain.
See the nest below?
Looking how green it is underneath, you can seen it has been there for quite a while.
A couple of weeks ago, I saw two wood pigeons on that apple tree, one standing on top of the nest, and the other on a branch near by. My guess is that it was a male and a female looking at the nest as a propective new home for their future brood.
I wondered if the male was saying to the female: "Look Darling. I just built that brand new nest just for you. Do you like it?"
Unfortunately, the story ends here as I hate pigeons. So, I went out into the garden and waved my arms at them. They flew away and never came back.

Friday 12 April 2013

Wild rabbits

Here are more pictures of young wild rabbits. Look at their eyebrows. It looks like they were drawn. These bunny rabbits are adorable, don't you think?


Saturday 6 April 2013

Bunny Rabbits

I have very cute baby rabbits in my back garden, although they are wild rabbits. There are five of them. Their den is in a bush right in front my dining room so I can get really close to them. As soon as Mummy goes away, they are out running around outside their den and eating grass. They are very wary of their surroundings and will run to safety in a flash.
Below is the first time I was able to take a picture. They would not leave the den but could not resist the juicy grass leaves.
 This is Mum... or Dad....
 Two weeks later, the little rabbits are getting used to seeing us at the window so they do not run away from us anymore. They are growing very fast and starting to wander further away from their den.

And, to finish off my post, here is a little clip. Enjoy!

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