Tuesday 17 July 2012

Female squirrel on a mission

Following my post on acrobatic squirrels, I now know that it is the female squirrel who shows the most acrobatic moves, eating seeds upside down. Have a look at these pictures, paying particular attention to her rear feet. Amazing claws. These are good acrobatic moves, aren't they? I wonder how hard it must be for her to hold food in her mouth in that position....


  1. Forget the fact that she's hanging by her feet. If I just tried to eat upside down I would choke to death.

  2. @Opus T. Penguin, I would do, but please don't try! :-)

    What she actually does is fill up her cheeks with seeds and then, sit at the top of the bird feeder for a few minutes to eat them properly and then dive down again for more.


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